ECS Smart practice

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What do the letters CDM stand for?

Identify one method of enforcing regulations that are available to the Health and Safety Executive:

What happens if a Prohibition Notice is issued by an Inspector of the local authority or the HSE?

A Health and Safety Executive Inspector can?

A Prohibition Notice means:

In what circumstances can an HSE Improvement Notice be issued?

What is an โ€œImprovement Noticeโ€?

If a Health and Safety Executive Inspector issues a โ€œProhibition Noticeโ€, this means that:

Employers are required to provide information to their employees on their health and safety rights and responsibilities and how to get advice by:

Which one of the following must be in a companyโ€™s written Health and Safety Policy:

Employers have to produce a written Health and Safety Policy statement when:

Companies employing five or more people must have a written Health and Safety Policy because:

What do the letters HSE stand for?

The Health and Safety Executive is:

The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to provide what for their employees?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any regulations made under the Act are:

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which of the following have a duty to work safely?

What is the MAXIMUM penalty that a Higher Court, can currently impose for a breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act?

What do the letters ACoP stand for?

Where should you look for Official advice on health and safety matters?

Regulations that govern health and safety on construction sites:

Which of the following statements is correct?

Who of the following would you expect to be responsible for managing health and safety on site?

Which of the following is correct for risk assessment?

In the context of a risk assessment, what do you understand by the term risk?

Who would you expect to carry out a risk assessment on your working site?

What is a HAZARD?

What must be done before any work begins?

Complete the following sentence: A risk assessment…

Why would your supervisor ask you to read the method statement and risk assessment before you start your next job?

What do the blue and white health and safety signs tell you?

What colours are fire exit signs?

What is the main colour on a safety sign stating that you must NOT do something?

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations require the colour coding of signs. What colours are used on a sign indicating a warning, for example "Fork-lift trucks operatingโ€?

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations require the colour coding of safety signs. What colours are used on a sign indicating a prohibited activity. for example โ€œNo access for pedestriansโ€?

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations require the colour coding of safety signs. What colours are used on a sign indicating a mandatory activity, for example โ€œSafety helmets must be wornโ€?

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations require the colour coding of safety signs. What colours are used on a sign indicating a safe condition, for example โ€œFirst Aid kitโ€?

Why should regular inspections of the workplace take place?

How can you help to prevent accidents?

Who is responsible for signing a Company Safety Policy?

If there is a risk of injury from lifting loads what should you think about first?

Before performing manual lifting what is the first thing you should do?

Which is the part of your body MOST LIKELY to be injured during a manual handling activity which involves moving a heavy load?

What should you do if your supervisor asks you to move something that you find is too heavy to lift?

What would you NOT consider in making a judgement of the risks from a load?

When moving a load fitted with wheels which of the following is generally true?

A manual handling operation is defined as which one of the following?

What is the MAXIMUM weight that an individual may lift?

What is the most common type of injury resulting from lifting loads from the floor?

Where a load has to be lifted manually, what is the employer required to do by law?

Which of the following is advisable when lifting a load manually?

In manual handling, which of the following general statements is true?

What is the recommended limit for a compact load that can be safely carried by a fit, male worker?

What should be the first consideration when you are about to lift a load on your own?

Where there has been a major change in a manual handllng operation, what should the employer do?

Which of the following would NOT make a load easier to handle manually?

If there is a risk of injury from moving loads what should you think about?

As an approximate guide the manual handling capacity of a two person team is:

What does โ€™Kinetic liftingโ€™ mean?

What should you do first before lifting or moving a load?

Before picking up a load, you should:

When picking up an object, you should:

When judging โ€œindividual capabilityโ€ for manual handling, you should assume:

When an article has to be moved for a long distance, you should:

Which is the correct way to lift a load?

Which would you consider to be generally correct when lifting a load?

If a load has an uneven centre of gravity, how should you lift it?

What should you ensure if you suffer an injury through a manual handling operation?

Why should a serious accident be reported to the enforcing authority?

What immediate action should you take if you suffer an injury through carrying a load?

Under RIDDOR, which one of the following must be reported to the enforcing authority?

Which one of the following has the power to examine an accident record?

Which of the following should be recorded in the accident book following an accident?

Which one of the following accounts for most accidents each year on construction sites?

Which of the following is NOT classified as a specified injury to a worker under RIDDOR?

Which one of the following should you do if you witness a serious accident on site?

A workmate tells you that he witnessed an accident the previous day and the victim was taken to hospital. He asks you for advice on what he should do. Do you tell them to:

If a person at work suffers an injury (other than a specified injury) due to an accident at work, it is reportable under RIDDOR if they are incapacitated for work for:

What must an employer do with their accident records following completion of a construction project?

At work who would you report a dangerous occurrence to?

Following a reportable dangerous occurrence when must the enforcing authority be informed?

Accidents causing any injury should always be recorded in:

Which one of the following is classified as a reportable occupational disease under RIDDOR?

When a person is injured at work, who should enter the details in the accident book?

If you are involved in a minor accident at work, whose duty is it to report it to site management?

You have suffered an accident at work which has made you incapable of your normal work for over 7 days. Which of the following actions MUST be taken by your employer?

The collapse of scaffolding is only notifiable to the enforcing authority as a reportable dangerous occurrence when the scaffolding is which one of the following?

If there is a fatal accident on site, when must the Health and Safety Executive be informed?

Under which of the following circumstances should an accident be recorded in the siteโ€™s accident book?

Which of the following have to be entered into the accident book?

Under which of the following circumstances must injury accidents be recorded in the accident book?

An entry must be made in the accident book when:

Which of the following MUST be recorded in an accident book after you have had an accident?

Which of the following can you learn from an accident?

Could making an entry in the accident book help you if you later make a claim for compensation?

Why is it important to report โ€™near missโ€™ accidents to your employer?

Who should you report serious accidents to?

What is the aim of carrying out an accident investigation?

You have witnessed a serious accident on your site and are interviewed by an HSE inspector. Should you:

When working in dusty conditions, what of the following would give the LEAST level of protection?

In hot weather which one of the following is correct with regard to safety helmets?

Which one of the following should you do if your personal protective equipment (PPE) is damaged?

If personal protective equipment (PPE) is defective, what should you do?

In normal use, what item of PPE is NOT essential for the operator of a cartridge-operated tool, such as a nail gun?

Can you opt out of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)?

What is the most important item of personal protective equipment (PPE) when working on or near a highway?

If you are drilling into concrete with a masonry drill, in which one of the following circumstances will you need to wear eye protection?

When must you wear all personal protective equipment (PPE) provided by your employer?

When MUST an employer provide their employees with personal protective equipment (PPE)?

What type of eye protection would you wear when using a cartridge-operated tool, such as a nail gun?

Which of the following must your safety helmet comply with to meet with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations?

In which of the following ways should you wear your safety helmet?

When an employee has been issued with eye protection, what are their duties under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations?

When should you wear safety footwear on site?

With regard to the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), which one of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is TRUE when an employer issues personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Which one of the following must apply to any hard hat provided?

When using personal protective equipment (PPE) legally you must do which of the following?

If it is necessary for an employee to use personal protective equipment, who has a duty to provide it?

When should a safety helmet be worn on site?

A colleague has drilled holes in the top of their safety helmet because the weather is hot. Is this:

When would it be appropriate to wear a bump-cap instead of a safety helmet?

How can you protect your eyesight while working on site?

When is head protection required to be worn on a construction site to comply with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations?

Why should a high visibility vest be worn when working on roads?

When considering what measures to take to protect peopleโ€™s health and safety, PPE should always be regarded as:

Exposure to asbestos fibres may cause which one of the following?

Asbestos is suspected in the workplace, during renovation do you:

Which of the following statements about asbestos is TRUE?

While working you discover material you think could be asbestos. What should you do?

Can you tell by the smell of a product whether it is likely to cause harm?

How would you recognise a hazardous substance?

Which of the following does NOT cause skin problems?

When an assessment of hazardous substances has been carried out under the COSHH Regulations, the risks and control measures should be explained to:

If your hands are very dirty, what should you use to get them clean?

The presence of rats on site creates a risk of catching Weilโ€™s disease. What is the EASIEST PRACTICAL MEASURE that you can take to discourage the presence of rats?

Why is personal hygiene so important?

If you have been handling lead, how is it most likely to get into your blood stream?

The number of toilets provided on site depends on:

Which of the following is not required to be provided under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations?

The extended use of powered hand-held tools and equipment may lead to which medical condition?

What must your employer do if the daily personal nolise exposure is at or exceeds 85 db(A)?

What are the lower and upper action values with regard to daily personal noise exposure, as defined in the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005?

At or above what level of daily personal noise exposure does an employer have to provide hearing protection if it is requested by an employee?

The effects of damage to your hearing by long-term exposure to high noise levels:

Hearing protection should be worn:

Wearing suitable hearing protection:

Which of the following is one of the recommended means of protecting your hearing?

Which of the following would not reduce the risks from hand-arm vibration when using a hammeraction tool?

Which of the following animals can carry Weilโ€™s disease?

You are most likely to catch Weilโ€™s disease (Leptospirosis) if you:

What should you do if the toilets on your site are continually dirty?

Excessive sunlight on bare skin can cause which serious health problem?

An emergency route(s) must be provided on construction sites to ensure:

What action should you take if you discover a fire?

If there had been a small fire, who should you report it to?

If you discover a fire at work, what should you do first:

What is a fire assembly point?

Where would you go in the event of a fire?

What should you do if you hear the fire alarm?

All new fire extinguishers are coloured red or of bright self-coloured metal. How do you know the difference between types?

A black-labelled fire extinguisher contains:

What is a blue-labelled fire extinguisher filled with?

Which fire extinguisher should not be used on flammable liquid fires?

What colour is a water filled fire extinguisher, or its label?

When discharging carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, the nozzle:

For fires involving spilled petrol, which types of fire extlngulsher could you use?

Which types of fire extinguishers should be used on electrical fires?

A red-labelled fire extinguisher should NOT be used:

โ€˜A workmate burns their hand on a piece of very hot metal. What should you do first?

Which of the following items should not be in a firstaid box?

How often should a first-aider qualified in First Aid at Work (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) receive retraining?

If you came across an injury on site, what is the first thing you should do?

An employee has a fall and is obvicusly unconscious. What is the FIRST thing you should do?

A labourer gets an electric shock; looks a bit pale but says they are alright. What should you do?

Which of the following must an employer consider when making provisions for first aid?

In an on-site emergency, which of the following must a first-aider NOT do?

If someone has fallen over and has stopped breathing, what is the first thing you should do?

If someone has fallen off a ladder and they say their leg is broken, what should you do?

Your workmate suddenly gets a foreign body in the eye. What should you do?

A person nearly collapses complaining of stomach pains. What should you do?

A workmate lifting a big box suddenly shouts โ€œoh, my backโ€ and drops the box. What should you do?

What should you do immediately if you get a small cut on a finger whilst at work?

In an emergency situation at work you should do what?

What does the sound of a siren on-site normally indicate?

The purpose of fire-stopping in a building is to:

What are fire-stops designed to do?

In addition to preserving fire separation between areas of a building, which other important fire safety function can fire-stopping achieve?

Intumescent materials used to provide fire-stopping are designed to:

What should you do if you disturb fire-stopping around a wiring system penetrating a wall or floor whilst carrying out work?

If you discover a hole or gap in a fire rated wall or floor that has not been fire-stopped, what should you do?

Most deaths on site are caused by:

The type of accident that kills most construction site workers is:

Approximately 70 workers each year die on construction sites, the main cause of this is:

How many people should be working on a ladder at one time?

Ladders should be set at a slope of approximately:

Why should aluminium ladders be kept away from wet lime or cement?

Before being used, a ladder should be inspected:

Ladders should be:

A ladder giving access to a scaffold can generally be safely used, provided that:

What is the ideal angle for a ladder against a wall and floor?

The rung of a wooden ladder has started to split, what should you do?

Ladders should not be painted because:

When can you work from a ladder?

When working above public areas, what should be considered?

A scaffold tower must be erected by:

What is the minimum height of the top guard-rail of a scaffold above the edge from which someone is liable to fall?

A working platform used for construction work, and from which a person could fall 2 metres or more, must not be used unless it has been inspected (and a report is subsequently prepared) by a competent person:

On a mobile elevating work platform, what should you attach your safety harness to?

You have been asked to operate a cherry-picker (mobile elevated work platform) when it is very windy. What should your FIRST consideration be?

If you have to work at height and it is not possible to erect a scaffold, or use any other type of working platform or mobile elevating work platform, then you should:

When working on a roof that has fragile, clear-plastic panels, what is the best way of preventing falls through the panels?

When working on fragile roofs:

Half the deaths on construction sites are caused by which one of the following?

What should you do if your work activity requires you to wear a full body safety harness and one is not available?

Under what circumstances do the Work at Height Regulations permit a stepladder to be used on site?

What is the best method of securing a ladder?

Of the following, which is the poorest method of securing a ladder?

Prior to moving a mobile tower scaffold, the platform height should reduced to a maximum of:

What do the letters SWL stand for?

Who should operate plant and equipment on site?

What hazard is created when the head of a cold chisel 'mushroomsโ€™?

Any damaged equipment must be:

The electric drill you are about to use has a faulty on/off switch. What action should you take?

The power hand tool you are about to use has burn marks visible on the cable. What should you do?

Your supervisor asks you to use a powered hand-tool which has a rotating blade. You notice that the guard is missing from the blade. What do you do?

Hand and power tools must be:

When should visual checks of portable hand-held equipment be made by the user?

What precaution should you take before adjusting an electrical tool?

An electric drill is to be used. Before use, who should carry out a check on the tool?

What action should you take if an electric drill cuts out while you are using it?

If an electric drill gives off blue smoke from the motor, you should:

How often should user (visual) checks be carried out on portable electrical equipment?

What is the preferred nominal voltage for portable hand lamps for general use on construction sites?

What is the preferred nominal voltage for portable hand tools on construction sites?

What is the preferred nominal voltage for local lighting up to 2 kW on construction sites?

What is the recommended maximum voltage for portable hand lamps when working in confined or damp locations?

If you only have a mains voltage (230 V) hand drill and you want to use it on a construction site which only has yellow (110 V) socket-outlets, what should you do?

What is most commonly used to reduce 230 volts to 110 volts on site?

When using an extension cable reel, which of the following statements is correct?

If an extension cable is to be run across a site road, what action should you take?

To operate a powered hand tool you must be:

If you are about to use a power tool and discover the guard is missing, you should:

Why may a confined space be dangerous to work in?

What must be considered first when planning to carry out work in a confined space?

When working in a confined space, such as a sewer, what danger may occur?

To determine the safety of the atmosphere in an excavation, which of the following is essential

Before entering an excavation to start work, it must first be:

What is the purpose of using a โ€˜permit to workโ€™ system?

Why may young people be more at risk on site?

You have to enter a manhole in which you know there are toxic gases. You have all the PPE but there does not appear to be a rescue plan in place. What should you do?

You have to enter a manhole in which you believe there could be toxic gases. You have not been provided with any Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE). What should you do?

While digging a trench, you uncover a length of yellow marker tape at a depth of about 150mm. What does the presence of the marker tape mean?

A Cable Avoidance Tool (C.A.T.) and a โ€˜Gennyโ€™ (generator) can be used successfully to locate undergmund cables by whom:

When exposing underground power cables, which method of excavation should you use?

When do special precautions need to be taken when working near overhead electric power lines?

When working alone:

You have to walk across a site several times a day, but have to dodge a lot of site traffic. The first thing you should do is:

A mobile plant operator can let you ride in the machine:

In accordance with the Electricity at Work regulations, when considering whether to work live a responsible person should:

The normal procedure for working on electrical equipment should be which one of the following?

Test instruments used for working on electrical systems should:

Under the Electricity at Work Regulations, live working is considered:

Which of the following would you use to replace the fuse in a plug if fuses were NOT available?

To prove a circuit or equipment is dead after isolation what is the FIRST activity in the sequence of events?

The nominal single phase voltage in the UK is?

When is live working permissible?

Which of the following is not a requirement of low voltage safe isolation practice?

The specific effects on the human body of a major electric shock are one of the following:

The lowest level of electrical current which can harm the human body is normally measured in:

With regard to the effect of electrical current on the human body, one of the following is correct:

Where mains voltage is used to supply portable equipment on a construction site, what additional protection is required?

What colour cable USUALLY signifies 110 volt power supply on site?

A portable electric generator on site has two power outlets, 1o volts and 230 volts. What colour would the 110 volt outlet be?

Where there is no local means of isolation for equipment or circuits to be worked on, which of the following is the preferred method of isolation?

What action should you take if a workmate gets an electric shock?

A residual current device is designed to operate in the event of one of the following:

Electrical installations on construction sites should be periodically inspected and tested:

The maximum AC voltage which the human body can withstand without long term physiological effects in dry conditions is:

Which of the following statements is true with regard to the dangers of electricity?

What is the most serious effect that electric shock can have if you come into contact with a live part?

Your job involves you working near to hanging electrical cables which have bare ends. What should you do?

For all live working activities it is necessary to:

An electrical Permit to Work is primarily a statement that:

The probes of voltage detectors and test instruments used on electrical systems should be:

Which of the following does the Electricity at Work (EAW) regulations apply to?

The Electricity at Work Regulations require that:

The Electricity at Work Regulations apply to:

Which of the following should be used to prove a circuit or equipment is dead after isolation?

Which of the following is not a suitable means of isolating a circuit?

Which of the following work procedures on electrical systems will always require a permit-to-work to be Issued?

Optical fibre cable remnants should not be left lying around on site because:

Why should the end of an optical fibre cable never be pointed towards your own or anyone elseโ€™s eyes?

The use of a multi-lock hasp with the appropriate number of padlocks is a recommended method of safe isolation where:

Which of the following procedures should be used when more than one person will be working on circuits supplied from a distribution board which has been switched off?

You are on site and you need to dispose of some waste liquid that has oil in it and you are not sure what to do with it. What should you do?

How should you get rid of hazardous/special waste?

Which of the following is classed as hazardous/special waste?

Which of the following should be disposed of as hazardous/special waste?

You need to clean up some oil that has leaked from machinery onto the ground. What is the right way to do this?

Other site workers are complaining that you are generating too much dust. What should you do?

Who needs to understand relevant environmental risks on a construction site?

Under environmental law, which statement is true?

Do individuals have any responsibility for sustainability when on site?

Which of the following is NOT best practice from a sustainability point of view?

Which of the following does NOT help sustainability during construction projects?

Which of the following should you do on site in the interest of sustainability?

Which of the following is NOT part of โ€˜environmentally-friendlyโ€™ construction?

From an environmental point of view, why should materials be reused, where possible?

Which action will help to minimise waste?

Which of the following is good environmental practice?

Do individuals have any responsibility for minimising the amount of waste created on site?

If you have unused material left, what should you do before you consider putting non-hazardous waste items into a skip?

Why should different types of waste be separated on site?

When storing liquids (such as oils, fuels or chemicals) on-site, what must you do?

What can help to prevent harm to the environment from oil spillages?

Who has a duty to provide PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for use by an employee?

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